Ranking Every ECW Champion In History - From Worst To Best

3. Taz

Raven Ecw

You could easily make the case for Raven ranking above Taz in this particular list, as the latter only managed 261 days as champion across his two reigns.

For me though, while Taz’s tenure may have been lacking somewhat in length, he more than made up for that with its quality.

His first run lasted 252 days—exactly the same length as Raven’s­—however Taz managed a stunning 58 defences during that period, a feat that no other champion can match. And if that wasn’t enough of a record-setting stat, Taz’s second reign then produced the unprecedented situation of seeing a WWF wrestler face a WCW wrestler for the ECW World Championship. Allow me to explain.

Mike Awesome had been the champion at the time, but after unexpectedly signing with WCW, a deal was struck whereby Paul Heyman was allowed to briefly bring Taz back from the WWF to defeat Awesome for the title, before dropping it to Dreamer shortly after.

Those kind of history-making antics are enough to see Taz edge out Raven for a spot in the top three in my eyes.

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Raven ECW
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