Ranking Every Hell In A Cell Match In WWE History - From Worst To Best

31. Mankind Vs. Kane

Hell In A Cell

Remember in the intro when I said Hell in a Cell was usually seen as the ultimate blow-off stipulation? Well, here we have an example that very much contradicts that statement.

Mankind and Kane’s Hell in a Cell encounter, from the Aug. 24, 1998 showing of Raw is War, was basically little more than a glorified promo for the imminent SummerSlam pay-per-view. The pair were in fact tag team champions at the time, but had differences that needed settling via the most drastic of means ahead of their title bout in just six days’ time.

Not only that, but there was also heavy involvement from Stone Cold Steve Austin and the Undertaker, who themselves were set to meet at the same SummerSlam showcase.

The match would eventually end as a no contest after less than eight minutes of action, but the fact that it seemed to have been put together for the sole sake of hyping a subsequent PPV rendered this one a letdown on principle.


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