Ranking Every Kenny Omega AEW Championship Defence From Worst To Best

1. Vs. Jungle Boy (AEW Dynamite, 26 June)

KEnny Omega

As transcendent a professional wrestling match as Kenny Omega vs. Adam Page was, it was more about the moment of Adam Page overcoming not only Omega, but also his own inner demons, too.

Omega vs. Jungle Boy, however, was about both the match and the elevation of Jungle Boy to such a point he could be justifiably viewed as a pillar of All Elite Wrestling.

This became clear when Jungle Jack ate a pin from Omega after a single One-Winged Angel. No other major, high-impact manoeuvres were required to put the 24-year-old down because he isn't quite World Champion material yet. The match with Omega was only intended to prove he's capable of hanging in the scene, but it was never going to be his crowning moment.

It was too early. It still is some six months after.

The importance of this 26 June outing was for Jungle Boy to effectively prove himself as a future World Champion, which he will one day become. His kick flurries, evasion of the One-Winged Angel, and neat transition into a Snare Trap, all of which left Omega reeling, did a solid hand in getting this point across to the viewer.

That Kenny Omega invested time in building up someone who, still, is a quintessential rookie in comparison to him is a first-class example of trusting the process in which AEW books its characters.

The ELITE Kenny Omega Quiz!

Kenny Omega Njpw Champion

1. Omega Was Convinced Not To Quit Wrestling After Facing Who?

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