Ranking Every Night Two WWE 2021 Draft Pick From Worst To Best

4. Seth Rollins

Gable Steveson WWE Raw

Draft Position: #3 to Raw. #5 overall.

Brand Switch: SmackDown to Raw.

Who else called it?

When Becky Lynch opened Raw by revealing that she was Raw's number one pick, many fans probs thought, 'Seth Rollins will be joining you soon, Bex'. That proved to be the case - Rollins has also come over to Mondays with his arch nemesis Edge, so that feud defo isn't over quite yet.

The best thing about this brand switch is that Rollins was beginning to feel a bit restless over on SmackDown. To explain, WWE couldn't keep he and Roman apart forever, especially not when Seth himself was mentioning Reigns in promos.

This keeps two top heels separate in a logical fashion.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.