Ranking Every Night Two WWE 2021 Draft Pick From Worst To Best

3. Gable Steveson

Gable Steveson WWE Raw

Draft Position: #12 to Raw. #23 overall.

Brand Switch: N/A.

Gable Steveson was, by quite some margin, the biggest shocker of the 2021 Draft. Few expected to see his name get pulled out of the proverbial hat and thrust up onto the tron as a major signing for Raw this soon, but it happened. The fact WWE waited until second-to-last helped the surprise.

The Olympic gold medal winner is someone this company hopes will be a massive star for years to come, and his draft to Mondays is the first step on that long road. Steveson is so high on this list because it feels sexy and exciting. Everyone would love for him to show even half the natural zest for pro wrestling that Kurt Angle did.

Fingers and toes crossed.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.