Ranking Every Royal Rumble Winner's WrestleMania Title Match

Sheamus vs. Daniel Bryan - Wrestlemania 28

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zF_kEtYlfBc Kicking off the list is the unfondly remembered 18 second encounter between 2012 Royal Rumble winner Sheamus, and World Heavyweight Champion Daniel Bryan. Going into Wrestlemania, Sheamus was popular, but Daniel Bryan was beginning to reach the levels of popularity he would later enjoy. Bryan had only recently won the title thanks to cashing in his Money in the Bank briefcase, but his now ubiquitous 'Yes!' chants had already began to take off, as you can tell within the first few seconds of the video. There's not much to say about the match, except that a good luck kiss from Bryan's girlfriend AJ Lee became a kiss of death, as Bryan then turned around into a Brogue Kick from Sheamus, allowing him to get the pin and win the World title in less than 20 seconds. This moment was a bitter one for Daniel Bryan fans, but is now considered as a turning point in his career, as fans began to sympathise with the way Bryan's hard work and talent were being misused, and his status as an oppressed underdog was confirmed. The short match also meant that Sheamus' campaign to win the World title (from adding his time in the Royal Rumble to his title match time) is the shortest in history, at just 22:41, and he was the first successful Royal Rumble winner since 2007.

Gareth Cairns hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.