Ranking Every Sole Survivor In WWE Survivor Series History

10. Roman Reigns (Survivor Series 2013)

Ultimate Warrior Survivor Series

Love him or hate him, there is no denying that Roman Reigns can be awesome when he wants to be. His run in The Shield was a thing of beauty and because he was alongside Ambrose and Rollins, no one had a reason to boo him.

His mega-push to the top didn't exactly work out for him and the traces of that push can be seen at Survivor Series 2013. The opening bout at the event was a fantastic traditional elimination match featuring two teams practically brimming with talent. On one side you had The Shield, Jack Swagger, and Cesaro. Opposite them were Rey Mysterio, Cody Rhodes, Goldust, and The Uso's. There was no way this one wasn't going to disappoint.

After a calamitous opening 10-minutes, Reigns and Rollins were the only men left on their team. The former tag-team champions kicked into overdrive at that point, eliminating three men with no reply. Rollins was then sent packing by Mysterio leaving The Guy to fight for himself and boy did he fight. The future WWE Champion eliminated both Goldust and Mysterio with two devastating spears to become the sole survivor.

All in all, he eliminated four of his opponents. It remains one of the most impressive Survivor Series outings ever. If you ever have reason to doubt Reigns ability in the ring, go back and watch this match and witness a potential phenomenon in the making.


Greg Evans is a freelance journalist who specializes in film, TV, football and wrestling. He's been obsessed with wrestling since he can remember and still wants a pair of Bret Hart's sunglasses. Amongst his wardrobe is an Ultimate Warrior jacket. Make of that what you will....