Ranking Every Triple H WrestleMania Match From Worst To Best

11. Vs. Seth Rollins - WrestleMania 33

Triple H Wrestlemania 18

Back to bearded, bald, and bloated country we go and to a match that once again felt as though it came just a little too far down the road to be as hot as it once unquestionably could've been.

Coming in the wake of Triple H stabbing his one-time protégé in the back in the midst of his quest to claim the Universal Championship on Raw a few months earlier, an irate Seth Rollins hijacking TakeOver San Antonio set the tone for a personal affair that would see the NXT captain aim to make an example out of a performer he claimed buckled - both literally and physically - after being pretty much handed the world by The Authority at 'Mania 31.

Naff Creator/Destroyer nonsense aside, the duo's slog at the 33rd 'Mania - under Non-Sanctioned rules, of course - acted as an appropriate climax to a knee-injury obsessed storyline over a year in the making. Seth pulling out all the Phoenix Splash stops (in bloody golden Phoenix attire!) and Steph once again eating sh*t via table bump all popped a crowd mercifully angling for the bell on the night.

And Rollins living up to his Kingslayer moniker with a Pedigree to his own on-screen creator wasn't a bad ol' finish, either.

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Triple H
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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...