Ranking Every Triple H WrestleMania Match From Worst To Best

18. Vs. The Rock Vs. Big Show Vs. Mick Foley - WrestleMania 2000

Triple H Wrestlemania 18

If ever there was a match that best epitomised the very best and worst of what WWE had to offer at the turn of the century, it's this clusterf*ck of a main event.

Throwing a McMahon in every corner for the bants, and because that's surely what the folks inside of The Honda Center paid a ticket to see on that night in California back in April 2000, Triple H put his WWE Championship on the line against a super hot The Rock, then-retiring Mick Foley, and Big Show.

Before long The Giant was dispatched, leaving the three undoubted main attractions to duke it out under the No DQ elimination rules. But, as expected, it was only a matter of time before said stipulation paved the way for a Vince, Stephanie, Linda, and Shane detour.

With only Rocky and Trips left to battle over the top strap, Shane's jumping of his father was soon followed by Vinnie Mac's crowd-igniting return and subsequent shocking turn on Rock as The Game took advantage and came away with the spoils.

Despite The King of Kings reigning supreme, however, the spotlight was firmly on his father-in-law coming out of a thoroughly divisive Show of Shows.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...