Ranking Every Triple H WrestleMania Match From Worst To Best

17. Vs. Owen Hart - WrestleMania XIV

Triple H Wrestlemania 18

Rounding out the trifecta of Showcases of the Immortal Chyna on the Grandest Stage of Them All is a bout that sees an eventual Game going at it with the late Owen Hart in what would tragically turn out to be his final one-on-one 'Mania bout.

Admittedly, this is by far the match least bogged down by the towering female icon's interference and aura. And both Trips and Hart were at least given the space to put on a thrilling enough back-and-forth over the European Championship, with Hart' s ferocity from the get-go paving the way for a physical end-to-end war.

Of course, despite being handcuffed to Sergeant Slaughter, it was always only ever a matter of time before Chyna caused some mayhem. And a hand full of powder and one low blow later, the future King of Kings was revelling in yet another dodgy supershow victory.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...