Ranking Every WWE Grand Slam Champion Based On Their Legacy

3. Chris Jericho

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Titles: Undisputed WWF Champion, WWE Champion, World Heavyweight Champion, Tag Team Champion, Intercontinental Champion, European Champion, Hardcore Champion

One could argue - and many current fans do - that Chris Jericho is ruining his legacy by not retiring from active competition. They say that his current role in the company, which usually involves losing to an up-and-coming talent to help get them over with fans, makes him look weak and taints the image of the cocksure, vitriol-spewing, in-ring artist that Y2J was in his prime.

Jericho did plenty to earn that reputation, becoming one of the first WCW imports to really break through the WWE's glass ceiling. His introductory feud with The Rock will be remembered fondly for years to come. His matches with Chris Benoit, Edge, Triple H, and Shawn Michaels are legendary, and his mic skills were among the very best of any Ruthless Aggression era talent.

Although it took him a little longer than fans expected - and he would've preferred - Jericho eventually became one of the top guys in the company.

But his remaining with the WWE to put over younger talent isn't tainting any of that. In fact, it's only building his reputation as a class act team player who refuses to let the fact that he's a 24-time overall champion and the very first Undisputed Champion get in the way of doing whatever is deemed best for the company.

Y2J has earned his place in the Hall of Fame several times over.

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Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.