Ranking Every WWE Grand Slam Champion Based On Their Legacy

4. Bret Hart

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Titles: WWE Champion, Tag Team Champion, Intercontinental Champion, United States Champion

It's weird to consider, but nearly everyone else on this list has won more titles than Bret 'The Hitman' Hart. Then again, most of these other guys came around during - or after - the Attitude Era, when it became the norm to swap titles around like trading cards.

Hell, if he hadn't returned to the WWE - pretty much for the exclusive purpose of "wrestling" for his tertiary championship - the guy wouldn't be considered a Grand Slammer. This despite the fact that he had one of the most solid, consistently remarkable careers of any WWE Superstar, past or present.

He lit up the tag team division alongside Jim Neidhart for six years before venturing out on solo endeavors. Though it took him a little while to really pick up steam, he went onto become the face of The New Generation and a five-time WWE Champion.

Hart was always able to drag the best out of everyone he faced, and made the best technical wrestlers in the company look even better. His matches with Mr. Perfect and his brother, Owen, are absolute classics. And, of course, his ongoing feud with Shawn Michaels left an indelible mark on the company as well as every single wrestling fan who was watching.

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Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.