Ranking Every WWE Grand Slam Champion Based On Their Legacy

12. Big Show

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Titles: WWE Champion, World Heavyweight Champion, Tag Team Champion, Intercontinental Champion, Hardcore Champion, United States Champion

Like Kane, the Big Show never really felt like he had a place at the top after his first couple of years with the company. Sure, he's been involved in some high-profile feuds - having great success against Brock Lesnar and Randy Orton - but he's frequently relegated to the side show, getting paired against other freakishly large (and mind-numbingly slow) wrestlers like The Great Khali.

He's also become best known in recent years as the punching bag for whichever random celebrity the WWE tries to bring into the fold.

Although Big Show has enjoyed a long and gold-studded career in the WWE, he's never been allowed to run with the ball for very long. The poor guy has lost to just about every mid-carder the WWE has employed since 1999, and his title reigns are little more than blips on an otherwise nondescript radar.

But if nothing else, he can hang his hat on those great matches he had with Brock Lesnar, The Undertaker, and Rey Mysterio. He can look back at several OMG moments that were put into place with his gigantic hands. And, not for nothing, his tag title run alongside Chris Jericho as one half of Jeri-Show created some of the most surprisingly enjoyable moments of 2009.

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Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.