Ranking Every WWE In Your House From Worst To Best

5. In Your House 14: Revenge Of The 'Taker

Bret Hart Steve Austin

Owen Hart and The British Bulldog pulled the best from Hawk and Animal in the opener, Savio Vega and Rocky Maivia had a surprisingly-good eight-minute encounter, The Undertaker and Mankind did 'Taker and Foley things, and Bret Hart vs. Steve Austin was a typically thunderous main event.

If you're wondering, no, they couldn't top their 'Mania 13 heroics, but it'd be unfair to compare both matches - Revenge Of The 'Taker is one of the sleeper hits from mid-1997, and you'd be doing yourself a disservice by skipping it just because of what happened before.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.