Ranking Every WWE In Your House From Worst To Best

4. In Your House 10: Mind Games

Shawn Michaels Mankind Mindgames

In Your House 10 was a proving ground for Mankind. His WWF Title shot against wrestling wonder Shawn Michaels turned out every bit as good as he'd hoped though, and it carried Mind Games to essential viewing status all on its own.

Don't miss out on 'Taker vs. Goldust or Jerry Lawler leading a super-green Mark Henry to a solid match, but focus most of your love on HBK vs. Foley. You might get some kicks from Owen and Bulldog vs. The Smoking Gunns too. Damn, Hart and Davey Boy Smith were a great tag-team.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.