Ranking Every WWE PPVs From 2017 (So Far)
8. Money In The Bank

Does anyone even remember what happened on this show? It was little over a month ago, but it’s a struggle to put into words the events that transpired. What should in theory have felt like an important event, this year’s Money in the Bank outing paled in comparison to its predecessors, feeling like a subpar B show rather than the unofficial A show is usually is.
From a lame count-out finish in the Usos/New Day, to James Ellsworth helping Carmella win the women’s ladder match, the star of this show was the booking. That’s not even to say those decisions were particularly egregious, but rather, because everything else was dull. Naomi/Lana was about what you would expect, and Randy and Jinder went out and had the same match they had at Backlash, just with a cameo from Bob Orton.
Finally, the biggest letdown came in the men’s Money in the Bank ladder match, which was much poorer than one would usually expect from the match type. While Styles and Nakamura’s staredown got the crowd incredibly hyped, everyone was ultimately underwhelmed when Baron Corbin – the safe, boring pick – won the briefcase, and given his match with Nakamura at Battleground, this will likely be a decision WWE will come to regret.