Ranking EVERY WWE SmackDown Tag Team Champions From Worst To Best

3. The Bar

New Day Usos

Cesaro and Sheamus joined hands and chased the tag team championships after they did not receive enough opportunities in the singles division (like always). They started as an entertaining dysfunctional duo, but a few months later, The Bar achieved enormous success on RAW.

The two talented Europeans delivered stellar bouts with The Hardy Boyz and The Shield. They continued the same momentum on SmackDown, and on the 1000th episode of the 'B' show, the duo captured the premier titles of the two-on-two wrestling section. The Big Show assisted them by turning heel for the 100th time in his career.

They only had one reign with the blue belts. However, Cesaro and Sheamus elevated the championships to the next level by competing in some emphatic matches against The New Day and The Usos.

The biggest down point of their reign was the Survivor Series match against AOP. WWE tried to achieve its persistent goal of turning tag team wrestling into a joke at that event as they booked Drake Maverick to wet his pants after seeing 'The World's Largest Athlete.' On top of that, the backstage officials picked Shane McMahon and The Miz to beat The Bar in a title showdown at Royal Rumble. Their regime culminated before 'The Celtic Warrior' and 'The Swiss Cyborg' could realize their full potential as champions.

Unfortunately, a few months later, WWE had to make the tough call of splitting them up because of Sheamus' injury.


Vinay Chhabria is a pro wrestling enthusiast, who has been following WWE since he was 15. The Shield is his favorite faction and Jinder Mahal is his favorite WWE Superstar. He became a part of WhatCulture in 2020.