Ranking Every WWE Title Match At WrestleMania Worst To Best

29. WrestleMania X - Yokozuna Vs. Bret Hart

WWE WrestleMania 29 John Cena The Rock

When Yokozuna and Bret Hart rematched at WrestleMania X, the hope was for an upgrade on their solid 'Mania bout from the year prior.

While the pair would be afforded slightly more time here, the end result was somewhat of a slog. Both men had wrestled earlier in the night - Bret losing to Owen Hart in a phenomenal opener, Yoko getting a DQ win over Lex Luger - and that really impacted this match.

For Bret, he was operating at a slower pace here in order to sell the Owen match and also the beating Yokozuna was putting on him. For Yoko, he was operating at a glacial pace due to being genuinely knackered after competing against Luger.

In a unique finish, Hart pinned Yoko after the 500 lbs giant fell off the top rope, but the real highlight here was a post-match staredown between brothers Bret and Owen. With the smug Owen having beaten the man who was now the World Champion, that allowed the siblings' rivalry to continue on throughout 1994 - just now with the WWF Title in the mix.

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Senior Writer

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