Ranking John Cena's WWE SummerSlam Matches From Worst To Best

3. vs Edge (2006)

John Cena AJ Styles Summerslam 2016

When the dust settles on both wrestlers’ sterling careers, John Cena and Edge will likely be the best rival the other ever had. They’re perfectly poised as the superhero with the moral code and the cerebral rogue who’ll take any shortcut to win, and while their SummerSlam main event isn’t the high point of the feud, it’s a great bit of pro wrestling from two guys who elevated each other to no end.

The stipulation sees Edge’s champion’s advantage stripped - get DQed and Cena will take the belt. In a lovely bit of booking, the Rated R Superstar still can’t help himself - he tries to win clean, shooing Lita away as she gets involved, but ultimately sneaks some brass knucks into the ring to dent Cena’s noggin and retain the strap.

Prior to that, there’s the usual goodness from these two guys. We’re in Boston here, so the crowd’s firmly behind home-state hero Cena, and Edge relishes his heel status, kiboshing John’s attempts at power moves and ultimately stealing the win.

At just over 15 minutes it’s a shorter main event, but the two ascending stars make the most of their time and don’t lose the crowd for an instant.


Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)