Ranking The Subsequent Success Of Every NXT Champion

20. The Vaudevillains

Kevin Owens NXT Title

Aiden English was with NXT from the start, debuting as a singles performer on the second ever set of television tapings. His pretentious 'artiste' character was solid, but perhaps sensing that it had a limited shelf life, the powers that be paired him up with the debuting Simon Gotch in mid-2014.

Given Gotch's status as a throwback to the stereotypical look of old-time wrestlers, the two were united by their classical styles. They never really ascended to the top of the tag team division, however, playing foil to the Lucha Dragons early on and coming up short each time.

The pair won the NXT tag team titles in 2015 by default as much as anything, given that then-champions Blake And Murphy had already been through Enzo and Cass but had long become stale despite the addition of Alexa Bliss to their ranks.

After dropping the belts to The Revival on television shortly afterwards, English and Gotch did next to nothing before their call-up, which came as a surprise to many. Despite quickly earning a shot at the main roster Tag Team titles, they didn't emerge victorious from that opportunity and lost almost every subsequent match in quick fashion until Gotch's release just after Wrestlemania this year.

English may end up getting a solo push, but it'll need to accomplish a lot to remedy how low he has been in the pecking order for over a year now.

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Kevin Owens
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Alex was about to write a short biography, but he got distracted by something shiny instead.