Ranking The Undertaker’s Post-Streak WWE Matches From Worst To Best

6. Vs. Shane McMahon - WrestleMania 32

The Undertaker Luke Harper Survivor Series 2015

Who would've thought that one of 'Taker's somewhat better post-Streak offerings would have been against an ostensible non-wrestler? (Although can we really call him that by this point?)

Having been shoehorned into Shane McMahon's nonsensical feud with his father, 'The Deadman' stepped inside Hell In A Cell for the second time in six months at WrestleMania 32 - the only problem was that, this time, it served no purpose to the narrative. Undertaker and Shane didn't hate each other, nor did they have some kind of blood feud to settle - they were simply inside the structure because the powers-that-be needed Shane to jump off something.

Despite the narrative's issues, Undertaker and Shane managed to tell a decent story in the ring, as the latter did his best to outwit and outthink his larger opponent. The action started off rather well, with both a Last Ride and a Chokeslam on the steel steps receiving great responses from the audience. Unfortunately, the match dragged on far too long and featured too many gaps in action, bringing about multiple standstills.

Of all 'Taker's recent unnecessarily drawn-out matches, this one is easily the best. Somewhere in amongst all of the mayhem, there is actually a really good match - maybe even a great match - but unfortunately, there were just too many lulls in between the excellent spots, preventing the superstars from maintaining any type of momentum. That said, it was a decent outing that exceeded the relatively low expectations and Shane's cell spot will undoubtedly live on in 'Mania history forever.


Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.