Ranking The Undertaker's 10 Best WWE Returns

3. WrestleMania 30 (2014)

The Undertaker WWE RAW2

You did wonder, after watching Undertaker lose to Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania XXX - in what was, for all its nail-biting drama, quite a lackluster match - whether this particular return was one too many.

But take nothing away from the hair-raising return that preceded it a month earlier. When hooded 'Taker came out on Raw in February to answer Lesnar and Paul Heyman's 'Mania challenge - his first WWE appearance in well over six months - it felt, for a moment, like time had stood still.

The resulting stare-down, in case you were interested, ended with Lesnar taking a pen through the back of his hand (the pen being necessary so they could sign a contract and make their upcoming match official, of course).
