Ranking The Undertaker's 10 Best WWE Returns

2. WrestleMania 14 (1998)

The Undertaker WWE RAW2

Those who don't learn the lessons of history are doomed to repeat them. That's a saying Kane could have done with knowing in 1998, when he thought he could defeat The Undertaker by trapping him in a coffin after his unsuccessful WWF title match with Shawn Michaels at the Royal Rumble.

With the benefit of hindsight, that was simply never going to work though, and the 'Deadman' was always going to return to the fray in time for WrestleMania XIV, where he had a date with his 'Big Red Machine' brother, fast becoming a real thorn in his side.

Their match - though a stronger effort than the one they shared six years later - could have been a little better, but the build-up was positively bone-chilling.
