Ranking WWE's First Ever NXT Class - From Worst To Best
28. Briley Pierce
As Ryan Nemeth, TAFKA Dolph Ziggler's brother eventually broke through, though it never really happened via the market leader.
His run in WWE's system was long but wholly uneventful, and he took three years away before returning in 2016 to kickstart the career he now finds himself managing to carve.
Billed "Briley Pierce" for the duration of his two years in FCW and NXT, his penultimate match for the market leader was effectively his peak. Entering a battle royal on a May edition of NXT to become Number One Contender to the brand's top title, Pierce was eliminated in short order. Winner Bo Dallas went on to end Big E's winning streak and take his belt in the same outing.
A semi-regular on AEW television since 2021, Nemeth's always been kept in relatively low stakes situations, but even within the confines of Dark rather than Dynamite, it's clear that he shares plenty of attributes with his sibling.