Raw 25: 7 Easter Eggs You May Have Missed

6. The Announcers Were At Ringside

Michael Cole Corey Graves Booker T

Unfortunately for WWE, their attempt to create a throwback atmosphere inside the Barclays Center didn't work quite as well as it did in Manhattan. At the risk of sounding like a grump, Michael Cole, Booker T and Corey Graves should not have been at ringside. If anything, Cole should have been trying to steer clear of Braun Strowman.

Don't forget it was Strowman who plucked him from the stage booth last week and hurled him onto some security. If Cole was as "terrified" as he claimed, surely he'd be trying to put more distance between the monster and himself.

WWE disagreed, because they had designs on some old-school flavour. Not that anyone watching would have noticed if they missed Cole's opening speech welcoming everyone to the show. After that, the fact announcers were ringside was never mentioned again, even when Braun put Brock Lesnar through the desk.

Did Cole run? Of course not.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.