Raw 25: 7 Easter Eggs You May Have Missed

4. The Fink Was Ring Announcing

The Undertaker WWE

Those watching in a noisy room full of friends might have missed the fact that Howard Finkel was on announce duties over at the Manhattan Center. The Fink was bizarrely never shown on screen, and it's hard to ascertain why. Everyone else brought out of retirement or dusted off for a one-night return was.

At least we got to hear Finkel's timeless announcing style. His voice carries more weight than Jo-Jo's and it's more characteristic than Greg Hamilton's. Both those ring announcers are at the start of their careers compared to Howard though, so maybe they'll get closer to creating a trademark tone of their own in time.

Man, how we miss Finkel's delivery. Hearing him bellow out that The Undertaker was on his way to the ring one more time was goosebumps-inducing goodness. Despite rarely appearing over the past decade, Howard still has the same excited voice and stunning articulation he did back in his prime.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.