Raw 25: 7 Easter Eggs You May Have Missed

3. Undertaker's Old-School Entrance

The Undertaker

There's no point denying it: The Undertaker's promo at Raw 25 sucked.

Mumbling something about putting souls to rest, Undertaker hinted at another retirement (which was pointless) before walking away and leaving fans in the Manhattan Center wondering if that was all they were getting. It was. Oh well, time to study the legend's entrance and see if something/anything can be gleaned from him bothering to show up.

Do that and you'll notice the lights didn't dim for 'Taker's intro. They did for Bray Wyatt, so why not for 'The Deadman'? This was deliberate; a subtle reference to the first episode of Raw in January, 1993, the 'lights on' Undertaker entrance in 2018 was the same here as it was when he faced Damien Demento back then.

It's just a shame this was the highlight of his segment.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.