Raw 25: 7 Easter Eggs You May Have Missed

2. ICO PRO Banner

WWE Raw 25 Manhattan Center

The little splashes of retro WWE hung up around the Manhattan Center gave the set a warm, fuzzy feel that surely delighted any old-school fan. The original Monday Night Raw drapes were rescued from the warehouse, the ballroom aura of the arena itself was chilling and someone even found an ICO PRO banner.

Younger fans would have missed that entirely, because ICO PRO means about as much to them as putting Raw in front of a few hundred misty-eyed geeks does. Manhattan only resonates with a certain type of fan, and WWE had the sense to realise that.

If only someone had been able to source a 'Headlock On Hunger' one. Why stop short at paying homage to a failed exercise supplement from the early-90's when there's more lore to explore?


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.