Sting's 10 Best Matches Ever

4. Sting vs. Cactus Jack (Beach Blast '92)

During his second reign as a world champion, Sting met Cactus Jack (Mick Foley) in a "Falls Count Anywhere Match" on June 20, 1992 in Mobile, AL. The bout took place at the first ever Beach Blast event, and it happened during an era when WCW had the brilliant idea of not putting any protective mats around ringside. Because of this circumstance, it made the many high risk maneuvers outside the ring during this match all the more impressive. Jack executes his trademark elbow drop from the ring to the floor below on more than one occassion, including coming off the second rope all the way to the concrete for one profoundly insane bump. Suplexes, backdrops, and sunset flips are all executed on exposed cement. In the end, despite its relatively short running time, it is another classic encounter that has stood the test of time.

Ryan is a sports fanatic, technology junkie, and avid gamer.