The 9 Wrestlers WWE Just Released

6. Chelsea Green

Chelsea Green

This is a surprise.

Chelsea Green inked a new three-year deal with WWE just last month, and seemed to be well-placed to have a good go at SmackDown relevance after recovering from a nasty wrist injury suffered last November. The shame here is that Green never actually got going on the "main roster".

Her blue brand debut was sullied by that aforementioned (and nasty) arm injury, but it did look like WWE might be willing to give her another spin soon. Nope - she's been released as part of these probably budget slashes the company now seem intent on when the calendar hits 15 April.

It'd be cool to see Green link up with her real-life man Matt Cardona in Impact Wrestling. That's one suggestion, but she might fancy doing her own thing; nobody's suggesting here that Chelsea can't carve her own path in the biz or stand on her own merits.

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