The Bizarre Tale Of The Misfits In WCW

6. Jerry Was the Only Misfit Willing to Take Part in a Match

misfits wcw

Jerry Only’s enthusiasm for his band’s new venture was not entirely shared by the other members of his band.

Although Graves, Chud, and Doyle was all expressed their admiration and affection for Vampiro, they were not all particularly interested in stepping into the ring and taking bumps from trained professionals. Although game for anything, Chud was not interested in getting injured and being unable to play drums. Doyle thought the band was supposed to be playing music, and although he went along with everything, he has since claimed that wrestling is simply not his thing. Michael Graves, who is not a large man, had little interest in getting punched in the face by Buff Bagwell and other large, muscular fellows.

And since Jerry Only had no such compunctions about getting physically involved, the other members of the band were happy to step aside, provide interference, and occasionally pour barbecue sauce on tasteless parody-gimmick performers.


Nolan Whyte hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.