The Complete A-Z Of The Undertaker
24. C - Casket
First used to great effect in his 1991 rivalry with the Ultimate Warrior, the casket or coffin would come to play an integral role in numerous Undertaker matches and moments during his tenure.
For a period, the wooden or metal boxes would provide a themed payoff to his biggest feuds. Longstanding storylines with Kamala, Yokozuna, Kama, King Mabel came to ends with 'The Deadman' dramatically rolling his larger foe into the terrifying implement.
In later years the severity of the casket would be undersold but well protected as another way Undertaker could strike fear into opponents hearts.
Unusually for a stipulation inextricably linked with a particular performer, Undertaker would lose notable times in casket matches, giving opponents a small window of opportunity to score big over the character without wasting a valuable pinfall loss.