The Good, The Bad And The Ugly: Wrestling's 6 Most Memorable Stables

5. The J.O.B Squad

Created as an in-joke the J.O.B squad consisted of Al Snow and other WWE jobbers who had accepted their place within the hierarchy of the company but were ready to fight to prove themselves to be more than just a bunch of losers. Formed back in 1998 by Al Snow, 2 Cold Scorpio and Bob Holly the group feuded with various members of Vince McMahon's Corporation scoring a few fluke victories along the way. Perhaps the most successful member of the group was Duane Gill under his Gillberg persona. By some small miracle Gillberg managed to hang onto the WWE LightHeavyweight Title for a record setting 15 months, although he was off television for most of that time. Most Notable Members: Al Snow, Bob Holly, Gillberg, Blue Meanie Good, Bad or Ugly? Ugly
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Master of Quack-Fu. Fishfinger Sandwich aficionado. Troll Hunter.