The Greatest Match From Every WWE SummerSlam Ever

20. 2000 - TLC

daniel bryan john cena summerslam 2013

In the wake of the even more extreme TLC 2 at the following year’s WrestleMania X-Seven, the original tables, ladders, and chairs match can fly a little under the radar. The carnage isn’t quite to the same degree (though there’s carnage aplenty) but the first encounter under these rules was at the time an astonishing achievement for six tag team daredevils, and remains a glorious watch today.

It’s a spotfest, for sure, but one orchestrated to perfection. Set piece follows death defying set piece, but all in the interest of telling a story, as one team then another takes control of the match. Their weapons of choice are their ultimate undoing - Jeff Hardy whiffs a Swanton Bomb off a teetering ladder on the outside, and in maybe the best moment, Bubba Ray Dudley gets hurled through four tables that he set up.

Edge and Christian end up retaining the gold, but this was an unbelievable showpiece for all six rapidly ascending stars. The tag team scene was seldom better before or since, and it was all down to these young men and their utter disregard for personal safety.


Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ (if you want!)