The Many Faces Of Triple H - Ranked From Worst To Best

9. Hunter Hearst Helmsley/Jean-Paul Levesque

Jean Paul Levesque

As many famous superstars have noted, the best wrestling acts are when the person playing the role takes themselves and turns it up to 10. Triple H’s second gimmick was a pretty big stretch and something he wasn’t suited to play.

He was Jean-Paul Levesque in WCW, a rich, snobby man who had a really terrible French accent. There was no way that it was main event material, but he soldiered on and later teamed up with William Regal. Hunter grew tired of his lack of opportunities and bolted for the WWF, where he was unfortunately asked to pay the same act, minus the crappy accent.

As Hunter Hearst Helmsley, he was boring. His gimmick felt a few years dated, and he was involved in a lousy feud with The Godwins, and was later served up as a sacrificial lamb for The Ultimate Warrior. Still, he displayed enough raw talent at this time that management (and the Kliq) saw something in him. It was more growing pains for the man, as he was asked to portray a ridiculous character that could have sunk lesser talent completely.

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