The Many Faces Of Triple H - Ranked From Worst To Best

8. Papa Hunter

Triple H Sasha Banks

This is probably the role that Hunter should be in full-time right now, but he’s still holding on to his extreme part-time wrestling career and is set on doing it as a heel.

When Hunter shows up in NXT live, or shown in the videos, he's the proud father-figure. The man who supports all the young talent, helping them to achieve their dream. He’s the guy that will give us wrestlers that Vince McMahon has never had any interest in like: Austin Aries, Samoa Joe, Bobby Roode and Shinsuke Nakamura. He’s giving us a different, more critically acclaimed style of wrestling than what we’re getting in WWE. The role fits him well.

However, while he’s doing this, he’s still ultra heel No. 1 on Raw. It’s a weird, narrative breaking presentation and completely baffling why he does it and why Vince McMahon allows him to do it. There just comes a point in every wrestler’s careers when fans respect someone too much, and no longer care to boo them. Hunter crossed that line a couple years ago, and should turn face and remain that way from here on out.

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