The Problem With CM Punk That No One Wants To Talk About

CM Punk belongs in AEW.
AEW exists because WWE has spent the majority of its post-Monday Night Wars life creating a toxic relationship with its fanbase, driving off untold millions of frustrated, under-served wrestling fans whose needs and wants were no longer being served on Raw and SmackDown. Tony Khan saw a space in the market for an alternative and assembled his team of executive vice presidents accordingly. Buoyed by New Japan Pro Wrestling's surge amongst foreign viewers, the success of Chris Jericho vs. Kenny Omega I, and the failings on FOX and USA, he sought to create a product that spoke to those alienated by Vince McMahon's.
The problems that drove these viewers away became WWE canon on 27 June 2011, when Punk's pipe bomb rattled wrestling fandom to its core.
Punk's iconic promo ultimately changed more offscreen than on. The issues it so brilliantly skewered linger today. "Douchebag yes-man" John Laurinaitis is still in a position of power, part-time stars from previous eras are still pushed over potential stars from this era, and guys like Punk remain spokes in a billionaire's wheel. The pipe bomb couldn't change the product because the product is incapable of changing.
It was obvious within a few weeks that the flaws laid out in the pipe bomb weren't going away, which crushed the genuine hope it expired. Thus, the fanbase revolted harder and faster, accelerating further throughout the years, until Raw's audience had declined by more than half and demand was deemed big enough to sustain a second major American promotion.
Crediting Punk and Punk alone with the movement that birthed AEW would be reductive. Regardless, there's a throughline between 27 June 2011 and 8 January 2019, when Cody Rhodes, Chris Jericho, The Young Bucks, and more unveiled All Elite Wrestling from the TIAA Bank Field's parking lot.
In a way, Punk will be coming home if he joins AEW - and the business boost he'll bring should be as earth-shattering as the pop he'll receive if he debuts in his literal home, Chicago.