The Real Reason WWE Brought Back In Your House
AEW's numbers have plummeted too - wrestling has deemed itself a vital public service and much of that very same public has rejected it - but WWE turned an intriguing battle into a weekly war. The losses they are currently enduring are mostly of their own doing, to the point where this week it was deemed necessary to draft in two old soldiers with very, very heavy artillery.
There they were, the Blues Brothers themselves, Triple H and Shawn Michaels, trapped in a time warp and about to drag the rest of us there with them with an announcement so prideful about the past that it might as well have been coming from a loudspeaker attached to the top of the DX "tank".
And why? Because they need you, you you. You, you, you. They need you, you, you. And you. Everybody needs somebody right now, NXT more than most. The essential personnel-only Performance Center is becoming increasingly emblematic of the aforementioned biggest issue - nobody's watching. The Empty Arena Era is one that shouldn't have ever existed, but it does, and as two brands aggressively neglect the optics of their decisions, Dynamite is doing a marginally better job of making it work. And so to a different era of an otherwise asset-stripped decade for some inspiration on how to actually take them on.
And it's gonna be great.