The Rock: His 10 Best WWE Moments

5. The Rock Makes Mankind Say €˜I Quit€™ It is often forgot how good a wrestler The Rock was. Many of his matches with Kurt Angle, Triple H and Austin have gone down as classics but it is perhaps his epic battles with Mankind which deserve the most praise. Both men represented complete opposites: Foley was the goofy, cheery face and Rock was the serious, athletically-built heel. People weren€™t sure if they€™d work well together. Mankind put absolutely everything on the line in every match, while Rock was more showy and clinical. It worked though, and at Royal Rumble €™99 they put on one of the best matches ever to be held at the PPV. The build-up had been around whether Mankind would give Rock another chance at the gold. He finally accepted but only on the condition that the match would be an €˜I Quit€™ match, a type of bout which is remembered as one of the most brutal. People were curious though: how would Rock get Mankind to say €˜I Quit€™? The match was barbaric and brilliant in equal measure. They tore each other to shreds and the brutality was evident by Foley€™s family€™s reactions in the famous documentary €˜Beyond the Mat€™. It was an epic encounter, which ended up suspicious circumstances, but undoubtedly proved that The Rock was not only a popular star but also a top wrestler.

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