The Rock: His 10 Best WWE Moments

6. The Rock Returns The crowd loves The Rock and they adore the Attitude Era. Teenagers who grew up during that wonderfully creative time have been left disillusioned by the current PG product, not because of the lack of swearing or blood as some would suggest, but because of the lack of top quality stars and their inability to connect with the audience. Back in 2000 everyone from the New Age Outlaws to The Rock could cut a good promo and interact with the crowd. It€™s something this current generation can€™t quite do. It€™s a surprise when John Cena gets a quieter reaction than Gangrel did thirteen years ago. So when one of the biggest superstars of the Attitude Era came back to €˜layeth the smacketh down€™ the crowd went mad with excitement at the prospect of him kicking the €˜roody-poo€™ John Cena. Unfortunately, what we got was a more watered down, twitter obsessed, shoutier version of The Rock than the classic one from his heyday, but it was better than nothing. The crowd went wild when the Great One returned.

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