The Undertaker’s 10 Best WWE SmackDown Matches
9. Vs. Big Show - SmackDown (5 December 2008)

The Undertaker and the Big Show produced a number of surprisingly enjoyable matches throughout 2008, as 'The World's Largest Athlete' did SmackDown GM Vickie Guerrero's bidding. After competing in Last Man Standing and Casket matches, they brought their feud to a close on the blue brand within the confines of a steel cage.
The action kicked off as soon as the bell rang, with Show throwing strikes left right and center. That actually continued for quite a portion of the match, before the crowd willed The Undertaker back into it. Things then picked up as the two monsters went back and forth, with 'The Phenom' trying desperately to avoid Big Show's KO Punch. However, not even that was enough to keep him down, as 'Taker rose to the challenge and overcame the giant.
Was this as good as their Last Man Standing match from a few weeks earlier? No, but it was an incredibly enjoyable main event between two legends that sent the crowd home happy and featured one of the all-time greatest counters in WWE history as 'The Phenom' managed to use the Big Show's own legs to propel himself into the air and lock in Hell's Gate as he landed.