The Undertaker's 10 Most Dangerous WWE Matches

4. Vs. Mankind - King Of The Ring 1998 (Hell In A Cell Match)

Kane The Undertaker Inferno Match

We've already discussed how the Hell In A Cell match is a deadly concept, but no match in the history of the concept was deadlier than the infamous bout between 'Taker and Mankind at King Of The Ring 1998.

Not only did both men bludgeon themselves into the history books with violent chair shots, sickening piledrivers and a devastating Chokeslam onto a bed of thumbtacks, they started said match on top of the steel structure (instead of inside it) and risked their own lives by walking across a mesh surface that threatened to buckle under their weight on multiple occasions.

But we can't talk about this match without acknowledging the most dangerous moments that 'Taker himself was responsible for, and that was of course the heart-stopping toss of Mick Foley from the top of the cell into the announce table below and the Chokeslam through it not 10 minutes later - an unplanned accident that 'The Deadman' later admitted he thought actually killed Foley.

When it was all over, Jim Ross acknowledged that that The Undertaker walked away from the cell very slowly, but in all honesty, it's a miracle that either man managed to walk away from it at all.


Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.