The Undertaker's 10 Most Dangerous WWE Matches

2. Vs. Shawn Michaels - WrestleMania 25

Kane The Undertaker Inferno Match

There's a strange irony in the fact that The Undertaker's greatest ever match also ended up producing what is arguably the most heart-stopping moment of his entire career (though the next match on this list desperately tried to top it). If this were kayfabe, you could make an argument about how this is indicative of how far each man was willing to go in order to prove themselves the better man in the greatest wrestling match in WWE history. But, true or not, this isn't kayfabe.

In 30 minutes of perfect wrestling there was one major mistake that could have had deadly consequences. We are, of course, talking about the suicide dive that went terribly wrong, as Taker launched himself onto the cameraman who was waiting for him a shade too far away, resulting in The Phenom almost landing directly on his head.

Thankfully, he pivoted so far in mid-air that he landed just shy of his head and neck, protecting himself from a serious injury. And the classic match-up was able to continue, making history for all the right reasons.


Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.