The Undertaker's 10 Most Devastating Defeats

7. Vs. Kane - Night Of Champions 2010

Despite being booked from the off as one of the biggest threats to his storyline brother, Kane doesn't hold too many victories over The Undertaker. One of the most notable took place at the Night Of Champions supershow in 2010, but it's unfortunate to say that the feud between the pair was less-than-memorable. By 2010, matches between The Undertaker and Kane were too formulaic, and had the same supernatural mumbo jumbo looming in the distance. People talk about WWE needing fresh blood at the top of the card now, but the company desperately needed someone new to challenge the same old stars in 2010. Facing one another on three consecutive Pay-Per-Views, all in gimmick matches (no Holds Barred, Hell In A Cell and Buried Alive) didn't help the feud, instead hampering it. By the time Kane had buried Undertaker underneath the dirt in November, fans were almost begging for something different at the next PPV. This isn't one of the best periods of The Undertaker's career, capped off by losing cleanly against a Kane nobody wanted to see as World Heavyweight Champion. At least Kane was cutting good promos, there's one positive, but the matches were far too slow and plodding to be effective.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.