The Undertaker's 12 WWE Hell In A Cell Matches From Worst To Best

5. Vs. Edge - SummerSlam 2008

After screwing The Undertaker out of the World Heavyweight Championship, there was no way that Edge would escape unscathed. Indeed, 'Taker and Edge spent much of 2008 doing battle with one another, assembling a fine collection of bouts on PPV. Their last major PPV singles match took place in the cell at SummerSlam 2008. And what a spectacle it was. But it wasn't just two guys going out and doing stunts (although there were plenty of those): the match built and built and built to a crescendo, escalating from Edge spearing Undertaker through the announce table to 'Taker chokeslamming Edge through several tables at ringside. Both men took an insane amount of punishment to their bodies, leaving it all on the line to produce a memorable main even match. In the end, Undertaker triumphed, blasting Edge with his own sickening con-chair-to. But he wasn't happy with just scrambling The Rated-R Superstar's brains, coming back to the ring after the match and chokeslamming Edge from the top of a ladder 'straight to hell'. A goofy post-match scene, yes, but one that didn't detract from the work that came before it.

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...