The Undertaker's 20 Best Matches Ever

10. Vs. Brock Lesnar (No Mercy 2002)

Undertaker Brock Lesnar Hell In A Cell

The Undertaker's 2002 feud with a young Brock Lesnar has been overshadowed by the end of the streak at WrestleMania XXX. People probably even talk more about 'Taker vs. Lesnar matches at SummerSlam and Hell In A Cell 2015 than they do about those at Unforgiven or No Mercy 2002. That's a shame, because they were better.

Watch the Cell match from No Mercy (in particular) and you'll see a motivated Undertaker determined to make Brock look like a monster. Lesnar was already over with fans following his title win at SummerSlam, but The Undertaker did everything in his power to cement Brock as a headliner. He succeeded in a big way, because the bloody brawl was killer.

The image of a claret-soaked Brock standing victorious went a long way towards making him look like a bad-ass, and a real equal to Undertaker's street-fighting biker gimmick. 2002 hadn't been a great year for biker 'Taker, so it's a good thing the Brock feud came along when it did.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.