The Undertaker's 20 Best Matches Ever

11. Vs. Batista (WrestleMania 23)

Batista The Undertaker

Similar to Edge in 2008, Batista had a ton of awesome matches with The Undertaker in 2007. Although choosing between them is hard, it's the one from WrestleMania 23 that comes up trumps. Not only was it just a great match, but the event also marked Undertaker's first World Title win in around five years at that point.

Don't forget that 'Taker was coming off an average 'Mania 22 match with Mark Henry, so he had to bust out something special the next year. Batista was the ideal big man for him to work with; unlike other big men from Undertaker's past, Batista could move well for such a muscled dude and held up his side of the bargain throughout.

On a card boasting John Cena vs. Shawn Michaels for the WWE Title, this one was never going to headline, but it could have. The quality was certainly high and fans popped big time for Undertaker's win. The Batista spear right at the start is also red-hot and set the tone for the rest of the match.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.