The Undertaker's 20 Best Matches Ever

12. Vs. Edge (One Night Stand 2008)

The Undertaker Edge TLC One Night Stand 2008

Edge and The Undertaker had so many matches on pay-per-view in 2008, but it's the one from One Night Stand that you need to see most of all. Honestly, when else are you going to see Undertaker take a bump through four tables from the top of a ladder?

The gimmick here was that 'Taker's WWE career would be over if he lost. Don't focus on that, just concentrate on the fact that Edge and Undertaker had great chemistry together and enjoy the novelty of seeing the latter in such a hardcore environment. 'Mania and SummerSlam were fun, but One Night Stand is where these guys really clicked.

If only WWE had booked Undertaker against performers like Edge during the early-to-mid-90s. Fans would've been spared the horror of seeing so many bad matches for a start, and the legend himself wouldn't have been bogged down by the inferior skills of his opponents.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.