The Undertaker's Potential Teammates For WWE Survivor Series 2015 - Ranked

1. Kane

This is as sure a thing as there€™s ever been in wrestling. You can always count on Kane or The Undertaker to turn to family when the going gets rough. Seeing the two monsters reunite as The Brothers of Destruction still carries a certain nostalgic charm, and it€™ll be good for a brief run and a few appreciative pops from the crowd. Now that Kane is no longer a member of The Authority, he needs something else to be involved in and what better affair than that of his brother. The two have always made great enemies and partners, and if we€™re to believe that The Undertaker is going to ride off into the sunset soon €“ presumably after WrestleMania 32 €“ they deserve to have one last run side by side. You also have Kane as the original victim of The Wyatt Family and all the elements are in place for a cohesive story. Based on this list, I€™m calling Kane, Dean Ambrose and Randy Orton as members of Team Undertaker, but don€™t be surprised if Roman Reigns or Sting fills one of those spots, especially if Orton is unable to go. Who would you select to join The Undertaker at Survivor Series? Let us know in the comments.

Brad Hamilton is a writer, musician and marketer/social media manager from Atlanta, Georgia. He's an undefeated freestyle rap battle champion, spends too little time being productive and defines himself as the literary version of Brock Lesnar.