The Undertaker's Potential Teammates For WWE Survivor Series 2015 - Ranked

7. Cesaro

It€™s hard to even suggest this with a straight face since WWE seems to have some weird personal vendetta against the prospect of Cesaro being a superstar, but we€™re going to anyway. If Hell in a Cell is any indication, the audience is frothing at the mouth for a more prominent position for The Swiss Superman. He€™s incredible in the ring and his move set is seriously over, they just need to pull the trigger on him. Every time it seems like he€™s about to get the rocket strapped to his back they shut him down again and have him doing jobs to guys he should be far above in the pecking order. There€™s been three separate occasion since WrestleMania 30 where it felt like his time, only to see him shuffled back down in the ladder. Putting Cesaro on Team Undertaker would be a great way to increase his profile similar to what happened with Dolph Ziggler at last year€™s event (which they also managed to squander within a few weeks). Give fans a reason to care about him other than just because he has good matches. Partnering him up with one of the most beloved wrestlers of all-time would be a great spot for him, but I doubt WWE sees it that way.

Brad Hamilton is a writer, musician and marketer/social media manager from Atlanta, Georgia. He's an undefeated freestyle rap battle champion, spends too little time being productive and defines himself as the literary version of Brock Lesnar.